Saturday, February 21, 2009


Dubai stinks

People will never learn that beach replenishment is temporary and they should just stop fighting Mother Nature

Charity/Community Service
Culinary students cook for homeless
Culinary Caper event benefits Meals on Wheels
"Men Who Cook" fundraiser benefits Women's Center

They tell me to eat more chocolate. I say, "OK!"

In Switzerland, people eat an average of one chocolate bar a day. This is why I need to live there!

Hershey Plant closed on 2/20/09

Six strange title shortlisted (or you can read it here)

1 comment:

  1. "People will never learn that beach replenishment is temporary and they should just stop fighting Mother Nature" Your right. The problem is , it's so profitable for a few and everyone else pays. Plus, all the pols are bought by the few. Get the picture?
